Chapter Five

To Night
With all her eyes the goddess Night
looks forth approaching many a spot:
She hath put all her glories on.

Immortal, she hath filled the waste, the goddess hath
filled height and depth:
She conquers darkness with her light.

The goddess as she comas hath set the Dawn her sister
in her place:
And then the darkness vanishes.

So favour us this night, O thou whose pathways we have
As birds their nest upon the tree.

The villagers have sought their homes, and all that walks
and all that flies,
Even the falcons fain for prey.

Keep off the she-wolf and the wolf; O Ürmya, keep the
thief away:
Esay be thou for us to pass.

Clearly hath she come nigh to me who decks the dark
with richest hues:
O morning, cancel it like debts.

These have I brought to thee like kine. O Night, thou
child of heaven, accept
This laud as for a conqueror.

To Varuna
Sing forth a hymn sublime and solemn, grateful to glorious
Varuna, imperial ruler, Who hath struck out, like one who slays the victim,
earth as a skin to spread in front of Surya.

In the tree-tops the air he hath extended, put milk in
kine and vigorous speed in horses,
Set intellect in hearts, fire in the waters, Surya in heaven
Soma on the mountain.

Varuna lets the big cast, opening downward, flow
through the heaven and earth and air's mid-region.
Therewith the universe's sovran waters earth as the
shower of rain bedews the barley.

When Varuna is fain for milk, he moistens the sky, the
land, and earth to her foundation.
Then straight the mountains clothe them in the rain cloud: the heroes, putting forth their vigour, loose

I will declare this mighty deed of magic, of glorious
Varuna, the lord immortal,
Who, standing in the firmament, hath meted the earth
out with the sun as with a measure.

None, verily, hath ever let or hindered this the most
wise god's mighty deed of magic,
Whereby with all their good, the lucid rivers fill not one
sea wherein they pour their waters.

If we have sinned against the man who loves us, have
ever wronged a brother, friend, or comrade,
The neighbour ever with us, or a stranger, O Varuna,
remove from us the trespass.

If we, as gamesters cheat at play, have cheated, done
wrong unwittingly or sinned of purpose
Cast all these sins away like loosened fetters, and,
Varuna, let us be thine own beloved.


W.W. Norton
RESOURCE: World Civilizations
Page created by Thomas Pearcy, Ph.D, Mary Dickson and David Purdon.
We welcome your comments. Please contact Steve Hoge, Editor.
Last revised July 4, 1997
Copyright (c) 1997. W. W. Norton Publishing. All Rights Reserved