Chapter Study Outline

  1. The Route Into Memory
    1. Updating the Modal Model
    2. Working Memory and Long-Term Memory: One Memory or Two?
  2. A Closer Look at Working Memory
    1. The Function of Working Memory
    2. Digit Span
    3. Operation Span
    4. The Working-Memory System
    5. The Central Executive
  3. Entering Long-Term Storage: The Need for Engagement
    1. Two Types of Rehearsal
    2. The Need for Active Encoding
    3. Incidental Learning, Intentional Learning, and Depth of Processing
    4. The Intention to Learn
  4. The Role of Meaning and Memory Connections
    1. Connections Promote Retrieval
    2. Elaborate Encoding
  5. Organizing and Memorizing
    1. Mnemonics
    2. Understanding and Memorizing
  6. The Study of Memory Acquisition
    1. The Contribution of the Memorizer
    2. The Links Among Acquisition, Retrieval, and Storage
  7. Chapter Summary