Chapter Study Outline

  1. Form Perception
    1. Why Is Object Recognition Crucial?
    2. Beyond the Information Given
    3. The Gestalt Principles
    4. Organization and “Features”
  2. Object Recognition
    1. Recognition: Some Early Considerations
    2. Features
  3. Word Recognition
    1. Factors Influencing Recognition
    2. The Word-Superiority Effect
    3. Degrees of Well-Formedness
    4. Making Errors
  4. Feature Nets and Word Recognition
    1. The Design of a Feature Net
    2. The Feature Net and Well-Formedness
    3. Recovery From Confusion
    4. Ambiguous Inputs
    5. Recognition Errors
    6. Distributed Knowledge
    7. Efficiency Versus Accuracy
  5. Descendants of the Feature Net
    1. The McClelland and Rumelhart Model
    2. Recognition by Components
    3. Recognition via Multiple Views
  6. Different Objects, Different Recognition Systems?
    1. Faces Are Special
    2. Holistic Recognition
  7. Top-Down Influences on Object Recognition
    1. The Benefits of Larger Contexts
  8. Chapter Summary