The Atlantic World

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The Atlantic World

Use the labels below to match with the specific areas of the map provided on the previous page.

General Labels:

  • Cities
  1. Quebec
  2. Boston
  3. New York
  4. Jamestown
  5. Charleston
  6. Mexico
  7. Panama
  8. Lima
  1. Rio de Janeiro
  2. Buenos Aires
  3. St. Louis
  4. Cadiz
  5. Lisbon
  6. Bristol
  7. Amsterdam
  • Countries
  1. Hudson Bay Company
  2. New France
  3. Louisiana
  4. Virginia
  5. Florida
  6. Adadia
  7. New Spain
  8. Newfoundland
  9. Greenland
  10. Surinam
  11. Portugal
  12. New Granada
  13. French Guyana
  14. Brazil
  1. Peru
  2. Gold Coast
  3. Guinea
  4. Gambia
  5. Cape of Good Hope
  6. Mozambique
  7. Kenya
  8. Angola
  9. Africa
  10. Madagascar
  11. Spain
  12. France
  13. Netherlands
  14. Britain
  • Water
  1. Gulf of Mexico

Legend Labels:

  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • French
  • British
  • Dutch