Chapter Study Outline

  1. Study Plan

    In these early years of the 21st century we have come to see our Solar System as an unmistakable by-product of the birth of the Sun, rather than a random collection of planets and moons. The discovery of planetary systems surrounding other stars has shown that our Solar System is probably not unique. By the end of this chapter you should be able to:

    1. Understand the role that gravity and angular momentum play in the formation of stars and planets
    2. Diagram the process by which dust grains in the disk around a young star stick together to form larger and larger solid objects
    3. Know why planets orbit the Sun in a plane, and why they revolve in the same direction that the Sun rotates
    4. Explain how the temperature in the disk affects the composition and location of planets, moons, and other bodies
    5. Understand how astronomers find planets around other stars
    6. Explain why planetary systems around other stars are common
  2. Organize
    1. Read Chapter 5 in your textbook or ebook.
    2. Take the Diagnostic Quiz to assess your understanding of the basic concepts and identify gaps in your understanding of the assigned reading.
  3. Learn
    1. View the AstroTours given for this chapter. These brief lessons enhance your understanding of core concepts.
    2. Review the applets:
      1. Extrasolar Planet Radial Velocity Demonstrator to understand how the spectrum of a star will change as a large planet orbits.
      2. Planet Formation Temperature Plot to see how the composition of the planets was affected by where they formed in the protoplanetary disk.
      3. Doppler Shift Demonstrator to understand how the Doppler effect works.
      4. Exoplanet Transit Simulator to understand how a planet is detected from a transit event.
    3. Use the Flashcards to test your memory for new terms.
    4. Work the "Summary Self-Test" and "Questions and Problems" questions at the end of the chapter review materials.
    5. For more details on the mathematical formulas used in this chapter, review the Working It Out Boxes:
      1. Box 5.1, Angular Momentum
      2. Box 5.2, Making Use of the Doppler Shift
    6. If your instructor has assigned SmartWork online homework, log in from the right navigation pane for additional practice and review.
  4. Connect
    1. Visit Astronomy In The News for breaking news of new discoveries and the opportunity to apply what you've learned in this chapter to real-world (and real-Universe) events. In this chapter, read "Orbiting Telescope Spots Possible Planets."
    2. Work through the Exploration exercise "Doppler Shift" using the applet simulation.